ELAN Blog ~ Week 32, Day 161


I hope you have enjoyed these ELAN Blog series so far. I certainly enjoy writing them and facilitating the courses upon which they are based. This is the eighth series and it is where the previous seven come together. During the next four weeks of this series we will be reminded of the importance of taking care of that which we have been gifted with or have gained through best practices of living a life well-lived. Looking ahead to the final two ELAN Blog series makes me anxious to “Watch Your Language” and “Be a Life-Long Learner,” in the final two series, but first we will focus on being a good steward. What does that mean?

God charged Adam to be a good steward over all the land, including the birds and animals, when he placed him on his beautifully created world. All the resources of the world were there for his use and enjoyment, perhaps with the exception of that famous tree. God only asked one thing ~ that Adam take care of the garden…”The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” Genesis 2:15

When the ELAN courses first began forming there were some choices made regarding the Ten ELAN Principles that would be the foundation of the completed course. The order of them are by design, to a degree. We have been working through a life course, examining practices and possibilities along the way*. Knowing that we will never really arrive, we are confident that each step takes us closer to living the 3-D life of Discovery, Development and Delivery. We have become more aware of blessings that enter our world and we have come to a newer understanding of the power of our observation and thoughts regarding those blessings. At this point it would be foolish to cast aside all that has landed at our feet, as if they mattered not. No matter the type, amount or variety of gifts, we have been charged with taking care. Taking care to notice; taking care to thank; taking care to name and taking care to take care of those gifts.

Today, think about all the gifts you have been charged to care for. Take care.

“He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever man called each living creature, that was its name.” Genesis 2:19b

“Take care of the minutes, for the hours will take care of themselves.” Lord Chesterfield, 1694-1773

*The basis of the ELAN courses are contained within these ELAN Blog series, beginning with Week One, Day One. Click here to read them…

About ELAN Blog
Patty Mayeux is the founder of ELAN Enterprises, developed to help others live a 3-D life. She is the author and co-publisher with photographer Linda Lapointe of "Beautiful Women: Like You and Me," a book of photographs, poems and biographies that encourages women and men to recognize and value the inner beauty of women.

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